- Grown in the Fertile Skagit Valley
- Rich Soil and a Marine Climate
- Unique Colored Varieties
- Consistent Quality
- Connected to our Roots
Specialty Growersince1938
Our HeritageFlagship Varieties

White Harmony
Moist with a thin skin, this is a great boiling potato, but also does well in the oven.

Purple Majesty
This variety is smooth with purple flesh and a nutty flavor; full of antioxidants.

Yellow Satina
A flavorful variety, this tuber can stand on its own without butter or other additions.

Red Chieftain
Great to boil, mash, or add to salads, this is an excellent all-purpose potato.
The Potato Shed is our connection to our community and the best place to buy potatoes, in-store and on-line.
Visit the Potato ShedLocation
Burlington, WA 98233 Info for Drivers
For thousands of years, the Skagit and Samish rivers in Northwest Washington have emptied into the waters of Puget Sound, creating a small fertile delta known as the Skagit Valley. Since 1938, the Nelson family has been producing premium quality potatoes from the Skagit Valley. The building block on which the company was founded still stand today with our unwavering commitment to:
Quality, Consistency & Service
Our American farmer video feature

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